Opening a Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library in Perm 14.09.2019
A.S.Pushkin Central City Library 
(Smyshlyaev House)
In the city of Perm there was launched the first Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library at the premises of a municipal library.
September 9, 2019, there took place the ceremony of opening a Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library (VRR RSL) at the A.S. Pushkin Central City Library (25 Petropavlovskaya St.). The ceremony was conducted by Nina V. Avdeeva, head of the Administrative department of management and monitoring service for clients of the Russian State Library, laureate of the Lunacharsky award.
The ceremony of
opening VRR RSL
Left to right:
Nina V. Avdeeva,
Ålena B. Neganova,
Svetlana N. Khaerzamanova
Participants of the ceremony
At the A.S. Pushkin Central City Library, the VRR RSL was organized at the platform of the Digital Resources Room. At that room users were welcome to access information resources in comfortable conditions, with usage of traditional and contemporary technologies. Readers could explore diverse informational content that including the resources of the National Digital Library (NDL), databases of educational and scientific editions, newspaper and journal articles. The VRR RSL opened contributed to the citizens’ capabilities of access to scientific information by way of scrutinizing dissertation theses and author’s abstracts, as well as other research and educational materials of the Digital Library of the RSL. They would also be able to get acquainted with valuable and rare collections of maps and sheet music, early printed works and a lot of others items of no less interest and historical significance.
Among the guests of the ceremony there were Ålena B. Neganova, head of the Department of Culture and Youth Policy of Perm Administration, Svetlana N. Khaerzamanova, the director of Perm Municipal State – Financed Establishment “Association of Municipal Libraries”, Ålena V. Seziomina, the director of the Perm State Regional Universal Library named after A.M.Gorky, Margarita V. Urikh, the director of Perm Krai Child L.I. Kuzmin Library, as well as heads of other educational establishments and representatives of library community. The audience was demonstrated the capabilities of work with full texts of dissertation theses and author’s abstracts in the electronic form and peculiarities of access and contents of the full-text collection.
The ceremony of opening the Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library at the A.S. Pushkin Central City Library was terminated by the concert of the “Orpheus” chamber orchestra.
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