The urgent plagiarism testing against the collection of “Digital Dissertation Library of the Russian State Library” 13.02.2013

Since 13 February 2013, there appeared a unique opportunity to get URGENT plagiarism testing offered by the Russian State Library for its users.

The expert of the RSL carries out the urgent plagiarism test for the research work against the full database of RSL dissertations (DDL RSL collection) and makes an official conclusion on the test results within a two-working-day time period (beginning with the date following the date of receiving the research work).

The service is available for individuals and can be requested for on the RSL Internet Store of Services after the Contract on the terms of the RGB public offer for urgent tests was entered.
It is necessary to be registered on the RSL Internet Store of Services and review the terms of the public offer. Then you are welcome to place an order and make all the payments via the proposed payment tools of the RSL Internet Store.

The service can also be provided to organizations after their entering the Contract for testing text documents against DDL RSL.

The price of the urgent plagiarism testing is 15,000.00 rubles.

You are welocme to get details on the service on in “Antiplagiat.RGB”.